We are pleased to partner with Dr. Charles Boulet to offer the 2-day workshop Vision Therapy for Occupational Therapists. Please see the brochure for content details.
Thursday and Friday May 30 & 31, 2013
Black Gold Regional Division Central Office
County Centre
5th Floor, 1101 5th St
Nisku, AB T9E 7N3
$400 including coffee, snacks, lunch
Please note that there are a maximum of 40 registrants, and registration is first come first serve by telephone only. Please call Dr. Boulet's office at 403-933-5552 to pay by credit card and complete your registration.
Please note that we will be holding a door prize and one lucky registrant will win her registration fee! Draw to be made at the conclusion of the workshop!
Please feel free to email ab.ot.pedintgroup@gmail.com with any questions. Once your registration is confirmed, please contact this email with any special diet requirements or other requirements or questions.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Additional Information for Thursday Meeting on DCD
the last 12 years, Kara Straub, Occupational Therapist has focused her clinical
practice across several areas of pediatric care. Although the majority of her work has been
with children on the Autism Spectrum, she also practiced for 5 years on a diagnostic
team that focused on Complex Development and Behavioral Conditions at Sunny
Hill Health Centre for Children in Vancouver, BC. Often confirmation of the diagnosis of DCD
was supported by the tests she administered.
During the next pediatric interest group, she’s happily agreed to come and
speak on her experience with how the diagnosis of DCD is made, what
recommendations support best practice, and briefly touch on the research she is
familiar with.
Date: Thursday April 25 at 7pm.
Location: Unlimited Potentials Occupational Therapy for Children (5110-97A Street).
Optometrist Recommendations in Edmonton and Area
Hello OTs
At the meeting on Saturday with Dr. Boulet, we came to the inevitable discussion of where to refer our kiddos for a comprehensive visual evaluation. If you have an optometrist that you have experience with who does a comprehensive exam and/or gives good information back to the parents/therapists and/or recommends exercises and/or does vision therapy of some sort, please comment below.
Thank you.
At the meeting on Saturday with Dr. Boulet, we came to the inevitable discussion of where to refer our kiddos for a comprehensive visual evaluation. If you have an optometrist that you have experience with who does a comprehensive exam and/or gives good information back to the parents/therapists and/or recommends exercises and/or does vision therapy of some sort, please comment below.
Thank you.
Reduced price for Get Permission Approach conference THIS WEEKEND!
My name is Ashley. I have registeration for the "Food Matters" conference in Edmonton to see Marsha Dunn Klein, speaking on "Get Permission Trust Approach to mealtime and basic sensory strategies"
Loation: Bernard Snell Hall
University of Alberta Hospital
8440 - 112 Street
Date:April 26.
Time: 8am - 3pm
I am UNABLE to attend and want to sell my registration for $150 to anyone that wants it. I paid 200. You can contact me at ashleyjb@gmail.com for more info. PLEASE, I bought my registration and then my ride bailed and life happend. Thanks.
Ashley Reina, OT
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Edmonton Meeting This Thursday April 25 at 7pm!
Just a reminder that the Edmonton OT Pediatric Interest Group is meeting this Thursday April 25 at 7pm.
The topic is DCD with Kara Straub, Occupational Therapist currently working at the Centre for Autism Services Alberta. All OTs, therapy assistants, students and interested professionals are welcome to attend! As per our former practice, please bring a small contribution ($2-$5) to help cover expenses.
The meeting will be held at Unlimited Potentials Occupational Therapy for Children (5110-97A Street).
We hope to see you there!
Tool For Kids Open House April 30
Hello, we are setting up shop again for another Open House!
When: Tuesday April 30, 1:30-6:30 (revised hours)
Where: McQueen Community Hall, 146 street – 108 ave
We have lots of new products including the Chew Ease blue, Chew
Ease pencil toppers (clear), ARK Sip Tip cups, ARK Green XT grabbers, the new
Time Timer PLUS and hopefully the Youth Watches will arrive by then as
well! If there are specific items that you’d like to see there please send me an
e-mail or if you want to place an order ahead & pick up at the Open House
you can e-mail that ahead as well.
Please pass this information on to families, schools & services
Monday, 22 April 2013
Suggestions for iPad use for client with Angelman Syndrome in Calgary
Ian is 25 and has Angelman Syndrome, nonverbal, in wheelchair, functioning somewhere between six months to … no one really knows…very keen on theatre, movies, comedy, expert at reading nonverbal behavior, poor fine motor but can point, highly distractible, very strong visual memory, great sense of humor and curiosity ... he has been introduced to ipad and is VERY interested.. cat videos are a very good draw! Many persons with Angelman Syndrome are able to use their intuition to benefit from iPads in a number of ways.
Goals? Just an enjoyable alternative to watching TV at the group home would be sufficient. Enhance communication abilities would be very good. He communicates very well nonverbally but has no formal system.
- First need is a really rugged arm to attach the ipad to his wheelchair.. because he is very strong, rambunctious, curious and exploratory. He also tends to throw things when he is tired of them. He turns things upside down and checks them out to see if they come apart. I know of one type of attachment arm which uses a magnet to hold the ipad to the arm… I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t work for him because he would be able to remove the ipad… recommendations? Where to obtain? Any supplier in Calgary? I have spent hours on the net but this task is pretty overwhelming for a lay person…
- How do you attach the ipad to the wheelchair arm? Suspect arm needs building up? Who knows how to do this?
- After that, no doubt many things will come up, not sure he will be able to learn to “tap” softly enough, but he might be able to…
Can you provide some advice to us? Do you know who can? We have some funds to engage someone if that is what is needed. Would be grateful for any assistance, direction or referrals…..
Please contact Penny if you have any suggestions or could refer them to someone.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Information from Meeting With Dr. Boulet
The Edmonton OT Pediatric Interest Group would like to express our thanks to Dr. Charles Boulet for sharing his Saturday afternoon with us! We enjoyed great discussion and learning! (even if only the tip of the iceberg!) Please find below information further to our discussion:
- Learning Management.ca is a website offering free registration and access to many great articles and resources.
- Visual Impediments to Learning (VIL) paper by Dr. Piquette and Dr. Boulet, to be published this July in 'Optometry and Visual Performance'. Feel free to share widely.
- Word.docx and PDF versions of a template for referral for visual functional assessment that should suffice in helping OTs to collect the most relevant information from optometrists.
Rhythmic Movement Training June 21-23 in Calgary
You are invited to an excellent training course for helping children, teens, and adults with neurodevelopmental, sensory, and rehabilitation challenges.
Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT) consists of gentle rocking and reflex integration movements that profoundly stimulate the brain, increase neural connections, and promote calm, learning, and sensory integration.
See brief video, case studies & related research links below.
The Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT) course was developed by psychiatrist, Harald Blomberg, MD and kinesiologist, Moira Dempsey, co-authors of the book, Movements That Heal.
Using these simple yet profound movements, we are seeing tremendous gains in for children and adults. RMT is especially excellent for individuals who have challenges with:
sensory processing disorders
cerebral palsy
sleep challenges
visual processing
anxiety, depression
underfunctioning, low self-esteem
poor stamina
emotional outbursts
speech delay
learning challenges
Read what OTs and PTs are saying about Rhythmic Movement Training:
"RMT provides such usable information. The results are so quick and powerful. In 45 years of doing Physical Therapy, these are the most valuable tools I've ever learned."-Maxine Hoffman, PT Dayton, Ohio
"RMT provides the "missing piece" in my practice of school based OT"-Becky Beals, OT Ionia, Michigan
"Great information and the key to work with clients and help them." Michelle Mintz, OT W. Bloomfield, Michigan
Rhythmic Movement Training is being offered in Calgary, Alberta, taught by Sonia Story, certified RMT Instructor, on June 21-23, 2013.
For more information clink on the link here:
To view a course brochure click here:
To see case studies click here:
To see related research ago to
Here is a short video about the benefits of RMT for a young boy.
1. From a Special Ed teacher (1 minute, 10 sec)
(Video clip shared with permission of author Susan Phariss, at Brain
FitnessStrategieshttp://www.brainfitnessstrategies.com )
RMT was originally developed in Sweden by movement therapist, Kerstin Linde. It was later expanded upon by psychiatrist Harald Blomberg, MD who initially learned about movement to help with his own motor coordination difficulties resulting from childhood polio. Dr. Blomberg was astounded to find that the rhythmic movements helped his psychiatric patients recover from psychosis
and schizophrenia. Dr. Blomberg and Moira Dempsey combined the rhythmic movements with in-depth reflex integration techniques for an even more effective program that is taught by a network of certified trainers worldwide through RMT International.
For over 30 years these simple yet profound movements have been helping children and adults overcome learning, sensory, motor, emotional, social, mental health, physical and behavioral challenges.
Thank you for your interest in this program and please let your friends and colleagues know about it too.
Warm regards,
Sonia Story
Movement for Optimal Brain Function
You are invited to an excellent training course for helping children, teens, and adults with neurodevelopmental, sensory, and rehabilitation challenges.
Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT) consists of gentle rocking and reflex integration movements that profoundly stimulate the brain, increase neural connections, and promote calm, learning, and sensory integration.
See brief video, case studies & related research links below.
The Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT) course was developed by psychiatrist, Harald Blomberg, MD and kinesiologist, Moira Dempsey, co-authors of the book, Movements That Heal.
Using these simple yet profound movements, we are seeing tremendous gains in for children and adults. RMT is especially excellent for individuals who have challenges with:
sensory processing disorders
cerebral palsy
sleep challenges
visual processing
anxiety, depression
underfunctioning, low self-esteem
poor stamina
emotional outbursts
speech delay
learning challenges
Read what OTs and PTs are saying about Rhythmic Movement Training:
"RMT provides such usable information. The results are so quick and powerful. In 45 years of doing Physical Therapy, these are the most valuable tools I've ever learned."-Maxine Hoffman, PT Dayton, Ohio
"RMT provides the "missing piece" in my practice of school based OT"-Becky Beals, OT Ionia, Michigan
"Great information and the key to work with clients and help them." Michelle Mintz, OT W. Bloomfield, Michigan
Rhythmic Movement Training is being offered in Calgary, Alberta, taught by Sonia Story, certified RMT Instructor, on June 21-23, 2013.
For more information clink on the link here:
To view a course brochure click here:
To see case studies click here:
To see related research ago to
Here is a short video about the benefits of RMT for a young boy.
1. From a Special Ed teacher (1 minute, 10 sec)
(Video clip shared with permission of author Susan Phariss, at Brain
RMT was originally developed in Sweden by movement therapist, Kerstin Linde. It was later expanded upon by psychiatrist Harald Blomberg, MD who initially learned about movement to help with his own motor coordination difficulties resulting from childhood polio. Dr. Blomberg was astounded to find that the rhythmic movements helped his psychiatric patients recover from psychosis
and schizophrenia. Dr. Blomberg and Moira Dempsey combined the rhythmic movements with in-depth reflex integration techniques for an even more effective program that is taught by a network of certified trainers worldwide through RMT International.
For over 30 years these simple yet profound movements have been helping children and adults overcome learning, sensory, motor, emotional, social, mental health, physical and behavioral challenges.
Thank you for your interest in this program and please let your friends and colleagues know about it too.
Warm regards,
Sonia Story
Movement for Optimal Brain Function
Friday, 19 April 2013
Calgary Private OT Referral List
Would you like to be on a referral list for local pediatric Psychologists in the Calgary area who would like to be able to refer their clients to private O.T’s??
Dr. Jennifer Crawford indicated she and some of her colleagues are interested in finding some good private pediatric OTs to recommend to families with a need for OT intervention. If anyone is interested in more work please email Dr Crawford at dr.jennifercrawford@gmail.com.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Pediatrician and Dentist Recommendations in Edmonton?
was wondering if any of you know of a good pediatrician that I can
recommend to a family who has a child with Down Syndrome in Edmonton?
Also does anyone have a list of Pediatric Dentists that would be good with working with kids with special needs?
Venita Rajput
Rubber Boots for AFOs?
Does anyone know of a rubber boot that would fit over top of AFOs? There is a complicating factor as this child also has a severe allergy to latex! Alternately, has anyone adapted a pair of rubber boots that could share some experience or advice? Thanks.
Nicole Ebbesen Rowan
Nicole Ebbesen Rowan
Monday, 15 April 2013
Fine Motor Summer Camp July 15-19 in Edmonton
Agenda Notes You Can Read!!
Growing Changes: Occupational Therapy Services for Children presents:
Fine Motor Summer Camp - July 15 - 19, 2013
A 1 week fun and interactive camp for children in Kindergarden and grades 1 - 3 who find printing, using scissors or other fine motor activities challenging. The camp will be run by two experienced pediatric occupational therapists. A multi-sensory approach will be used along with co-operative games and crafts to practice the skills needed for hand functioning. This camp is designed for children who may be experiencing mild to moderate delays in fine motor development or who would benefit from extra practice.
The camp places an emphasis on grasp development, formation of letters, legibility, review of lower case, copying, using school tools (scissors, glue), in hand manipulation skills, eye hand coordination and strength. This includes a summary report identifying individual children's strengths, areas of need, and suggestions for further skill development.
Date: July 15 -19 Monday to Friday
Time: 10:00 am - 11:15 am
Cost: $250.00
Where: Highlands Community Centre: 6112 - 113 Avenue Edmonton, AB
Contact: Rebecca Summach at 780.965.4310 or email growingchanges@gmail.com to register.
Note: OT services may be covered depending on health plan and are tax deductible.
OT needed for girl with camptodactyly
OT needed for 13 year old girl who has camptodactyly. Her symptoms worsened during her growth spurt and the family is looking for someone to work privately. Please contact Carla Foolen if you are interested or could recommend someone. Family lives in Sundre, AB.
Carla Foolen
Friday, 12 April 2013
RSVP for the Chance to Join in the Discussion on Vision and Vestibular
Dr. Charles Boulet, a developmental optometrist well-known in Calgary and area, is meeting with the Edmonton OT Pediatric Interest Group on Saturday April 20th at 1pm to discuss vision and vestibular processing. If you are interested in joining in this discussion, please RSVP to Kim at andrewskim22@yahoo.ca by noon on Monday April 15th so we can reserve an appropriate room.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
OT in Innisfail needed
I have a 4 year old PUF client moving to Innisfail. Does anyone know of who would provide PUF support there as he will be eligible again next year for PUF.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Private OT Contract in Airdrie
Lovely family in Airdrie is looking for an OT to join their private
team, looking at about 2-3 hours per month of direct service time with a
sweet 4 year old boy (funding through FSCD/Specialized Services). This
adorable boy is diagnosed with autism and even though he is doing well
with support, the family needs an OT who has knowledge and
understanding of a sensory diet and ways to add or amend that diet to
keep him regulated. If this is something you would be interested in
(or you know of someone who is), please contact: Susan.Dunstan@pc.gc.ca
Join the OT Referral List for Calgary Psychologists
Would you like to be on a referral list for local
pediatric Psychologists in the Calgary area who would like to be able to
refer their clients to private O.T’s??
Jennifer Crawford indicated she and some of her colleagues are
interested in finding some good private pediatric OTs to recommend to
families with a need for OT intervention. If anyone is interested in
more work please email Dr Crawford at dr.jennifercrawford@gmail.com.
Behaviour Aide for FSCD Contract
A 9 year old boy in the southeast community of Mahogany requires a
behaviour aide for FSCD contract funded for 9 hrs per week of aide time
at $21.75 per hour. The focus will be on self-regulation,
self-confidence and daily living and community outing skills as the
client has complex behaviours. This is a very caring family and a brand
new FSCD contract looking for an aide that can commit to afterschool
sessions. Thursday afternoons are early dismissal days from
school and can be a longer session day and then a combination of Monday,
Wednesday and occasional Tuesdays, and Fridays can be looked at as
well. Please respond to melissa@melissaplante.com (service coordinator / occupational therapist) or 403-630-2423.
Vision and Vestibular Processing
Dr. Charles Boulet, a developmental optometrist from the Black Diamond area, will be in town and has offered to have a discussion with us regarding vision and vestibular processing.
When: Saturday, April 20th at 1pm
Location: to be determined
RSVP: space will be limited therefore please RSVP to Kim at andrewskim22@yahoo.ca if you are interested in joining the discussion.
When: Saturday, April 20th at 1pm
Location: to be determined
RSVP: space will be limited therefore please RSVP to Kim at andrewskim22@yahoo.ca if you are interested in joining the discussion.
Physical Therapist position in Edmonton
Hello OTs,
I was wondering if any of you know of physical therapist in Edmonton that would be interested in working in an Early Education program. We are looking for a temporary 0.4FTE physical therapist. If you know of anyone that might be interested please pass this information on to them.
Edmonton Pediatric Interest Group Meeting
Edmonton Pediatric Interest Group Meeting:
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday April 25 at 7pm.
The meeting will be held at Unlimited Potentials Occupational Therapy for Children
(5110-97A Street)
Topic: DCD – Presented by Kara Straub, Occupational Therapist currently working at the Centre for Autism Services Alberta.
More specific details on the topic to follow. Stay Tuned!
All are welcome! Hope to see you there!
Monday, 1 April 2013
Private OT needed in Rosebud
Private OT needed to work with 5 year old boy diagnosed this past fall with ASD. We've been approved for specialized services and are looking for an OT. We are rural in Rosebud about 40 mins east of Strathmore. We have an in home aide who comes twice a week.
Please contact Carrie (mom) at tushmush@hotmail.com
Please contact Carrie (mom) at tushmush@hotmail.com
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