The good news for you..... Everything I have is FOR SALE, from books (parent, teacher and therapy resource and activity books, professional books, and programs), to assessments and protocol sheets, to gross motor, fine motor, sensory, sensory motor, sensory integration, visual motor, visual perceptual, oral motor, feeding and activities of daily living equipment, and handwriting (pre-printing, printing, and cursive handwriting books, programs, grips, paper and specialty pens and pencils) programs, tools and activities, to office furniture, equipment, file cabinets, file folders, on down to the paper clips
, to just plain fun games, fidgets and toys for therapy. Some items are new, not ever used, and most used items are in very good condition! There are some free give-away items too, but you need to come to see what they are. 
I prefer to show people individually or in groups of up to three or four at a time. I literally have hundreds of items still for sale, so please do not ask me to list them all for you. Please phone me at 403-818-8483, and leave a message so that we can set up an appointment time at my clinic / office at 2115 - Sirocco Drive SW, Calgary.
I look forward to seeing you!
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