Christ the Redeemer Catholic School OT Position.
0.5 FTE available from September 2016 - January 2017
Click here for more information.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Violence in the occupational therapy workplace survey
Workplace violence has
become an alarming phenomenon worldwide. Health sector personnel are
particularly at risk of violence in their workplace. Current figures represent
only the tip of the iceberg… (World Health Organization 2008)
The Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of
Alberta, with an Occupational Health and Safety Innovation and Engagement grant
from Alberta Labour, is building a workplace violence educational resource
website. The website is specifically
about and for occupational therapists (OTs) and OT students. An important part of this work is gathering
information about OTs’ and students experiences of workplace violence. To do this we are using the World Health
Organization’s survey tool – Workplace
Violence in the Health Sector.
The survey is completely
anonymous and neither the researchers (Cary Brown, Professor, Faculty of
Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta and Annette Rivard, OT, PhD,
project co-ordinator), nor anyone else, will not be able to identify individual
participants. There are no risks to you
by participating in the survey and you can exit it at any time prior to
clicking the submit button at the end.
Because the survey is anonymous we cannot remove your data after you
submit your survey responses.
Your completing the survey is interpreted as consent to
participate. You can quit the survey at
any point by closing your browser. The
survey responses will be used to help us build the most useful educational
resource website for occupational therapists and students. The findings will be shared with OTs in the
province through a short report and a formal report may also be published or
presented in a forum relevant to therapists.
If you have any questions you can contact Cary Brown
( or phone 780-492-9545).
Please click here to
access the survey.
If you would like more information about the study please
contact Cary Brown, PhD, Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy,
University of Alberta or
Thank you! We
look forward to sharing the project and the final website with you.
Cary A. Brown, Professor
Department of Occupational Therapy, University of
Monday, 27 June 2016
Part time SLP and Psychology Postitions at New Heights
New Heights School & Learning Services is looking for an SLP and a Psychologist for our preschool and Home & Community Support programs. More info can be found here.
Growing Changes OT Subcontract Position
Job Description: Occupational Therapist Subcontract Work
Growing Changes - Occupational Therapy Services for Children is seeking an Occupational Therapist to provide assessment and implementation of Occupational Therapy interventions to children with developmental needs in a community setting.
Growing Changes offers mentoring and flexible hours.
If interested please email resume to
Growing Changes - Occupational Therapy Services for Children is seeking an Occupational Therapist to provide assessment and implementation of Occupational Therapy interventions to children with developmental needs in a community setting.
- Registration with Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
- Commitment to working with children and their families
- Experience working with children with special needs
- Ability to work independently
- Excellent interpersonal, organizational and time management skills
- Personal vehicle able to drive within Edmonton region
Growing Changes offers mentoring and flexible hours.
If interested please email resume to
Putting It All Together: A Comprehensive Approach to Feeding Challenges
Job Shadow Request in Calgary
I'm trying to research OT as a career so I can make a more informed decision which path I will choose for myself. I'd love to see and experience what an OT does in a day and what their daily work looks like.
Please let me know if this is possible. I'd love to start as soon as possible.587-433-9108
Community Options OT Position - Full time, Mat leave
The Community Options ( ) position is for a Full-Time, Occupational Therapist, 1.0 FTE, Maternity Leave, starting August 25, 2016 until June 16, 2017.
This position will be open until a suitable candidate is found.
More information can be found here.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Kids Can .... Pediatric Clinic is Closing. Everything is For Sale
Kids Can ... Pediatric Clinic is closing on July 31, 2016, after fifteen years of providing occupational therapy, speech-language therapy and psychology services to children and families in Calgary and Southern Alberta. Colleen Basaraba, Occupational Therapist, owner of Kids Can.... Clinic and of Occupational Therapy & Educational Consulting Services, Inc. (O.T.E.C.S. Inc.), will "slide into" semi-retirement / retirement after having the honor of providing services to children of all ages and their families and their teachers in Calgary and Southern Alberta for twenty-five years. It has been an honor indeed!
The good news for you..... Everything I have is FOR SALE, from books (parent, teacher and therapy resource and activity books, professional books, and programs), to assessments and protocol sheets, to gross motor, fine motor, sensory, sensory motor, sensory integration, visual motor, visual perceptual, oral motor, feeding and activities of daily living equipment, and handwriting (pre-printing, printing, and cursive handwriting books, programs, grips, paper and specialty pens and pencils) programs, tools and activities, to office furniture, equipment, file cabinets, file folders, on down to the paper clips
, to just plain fun games, fidgets and toys for therapy. Some items are new, not ever used, and most used items are in very good condition! There are some free give-away items too, but you need to come to see what they are. 
I prefer to show people individually or in groups of up to three or four at a time. I literally have hundreds of items still for sale, so please do not ask me to list them all for you. Please phone me at 403-818-8483, and leave a message so that we can set up an appointment time at my clinic / office at 2115 - Sirocco Drive SW, Calgary.
I look forward to seeing you!
Monday, 20 June 2016
Reminder: Spring Potluck in Calgary TONIGHT!
Monday June 20, 2016! Do you have questions? Are you able to offer advice? Please come. Bring drinks for yourself and some food to share. The Bar B Q is available. We can talk and drink and share for 2 hours from 7-9 pm
Location: Huntington Hills (South of Beddington Mall).
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Job Posting for Early Intervention Specialist/Occupational Therapist with CNIB Edmonton
Early Intervention Specialist with CNIB Edmonton
This position works with children with vision loss primarily from birth to school age. Responsibilities include completing initial interview and ongoing assessment to identify rehabilitation goals and develop service plans to address goals with families. The position also develops individual intervention and therapy programs in accordance with goals, and assists the child’s family to access available resources to address their vision needs. This position also facilitates a child’s transition into community and school programs and continues involvement in a monitoring capacity through to age 21.
More information on the website.
This position works with children with vision loss primarily from birth to school age. Responsibilities include completing initial interview and ongoing assessment to identify rehabilitation goals and develop service plans to address goals with families. The position also develops individual intervention and therapy programs in accordance with goals, and assists the child’s family to access available resources to address their vision needs. This position also facilitates a child’s transition into community and school programs and continues involvement in a monitoring capacity through to age 21.
Closing Date for Applications: July 30, 2016
Please Send the Application To: and quote the job title in the subject line
More information on the website.
Monday, 13 June 2016
Elk Island Public School OT Position
Elk Island Public Schools, based in Sherwood Park, has posted for a 0.7 FTE Occupational Therapist (with the possibility of increasing to a 1.0 FTE). This is a probationary position beginning Monday, August 29, 2016. Being a relatively new department we have had an exciting opportunity to develop best practice policies, integrate technology, and offer our OT support to an excited and appreciative audience. We look forward to welcoming another OT to our team!
More information can be found on the district website:
The deadline to apply is June 16, 2016 @ 12:00 noon
If you have any questions about the position please contact Andrea Wuetherick at
More information can be found on the district website:
The deadline to apply is June 16, 2016 @ 12:00 noon
If you have any questions about the position please contact Andrea Wuetherick at
Spring Potluck in Calgary on Monday, June 20
Spring Potluck for Peds OTs in Calgary
Monday June 20, 2016! Do you have questions? Are you able to offer advice? Please come. Bring drinks for yourself and some food to share. The Bar B Q is available. We can talk and drink and share for 2 hours from 7-9 pm
Location: Huntington Hills (South of Beddington Mall).
Please email (Charlene or text Charlene for the address: 403 277 8508
OT needed in SE Calgary
Supportive and energetic family living in Auburn Bay, SE Calgary requires an occupational therapist for a new FSCD developmental aide contract. Their son has been diagnosed with ASD and is turning 9 years old this month. Please contact Jocelyn (mother) at:
Monday, 6 June 2016
The 'Get Permission' Approach to Mealtime Challenges
Sponsored by the Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists. Marsha Dunn Klein is coming to Saskatoon to present a two day conference on Pediatric feeding in October 2016.
To view the brochure:
To Register:
We are also working to provide a two hour session on Thursday, October 13 in the evening for parents entitled “Tube Feedings are Mealtimes, too! A Conversation about Tube Feeding,” with Marsha Dunn Klein, OTR/L, MEd.,FAOTA. More details to follow on time and location for the parent session.
Understanding the Interplay between Culture&Care Webinary
Understanding the Interplay between Culture & Care: Building Capacity to Care for Aboriginal Children and Youth
Aboriginal Children are the fastest growing cohort of children in Canada, yet their chances of achieving their optimal developmental outcomes are compromised by the lingering effect of a tragic past experienced by some of their ancestors, combined with current health care inequities. There is a unique initiative developed out of clinical questions about how to best generate and disseminate knowledge related to improving the wellbeing of Aboriginal children and youth.
Dr. Margot Latimer and John R. Sylliboy will join us to discuss the details of the Aboriginal Children’s Hurt & Healing Initiative (ACHH) and how the ACHH’s objectives are identifying important pain related health inequities that could be further impairing children’s wellbeing. The details related to how the ACHH is addressing the Truth and Reconciliation ‘Calls to Action’ in the area of health will be shared as well as related history, geography and health context of Aboriginal children and youth in Canada and beyond.
We will also be joined by Dr. Roberta Woodgate to share findings from a CIHR funded study that sought to arrive at an increased understanding of the disability trajectory from the perspectives of First Nations families of children with disabilities. The findings from the study lend support for further improvements that may enrich the lives of these families.
Webinar is June 29, 2016
For more information:
1.0 FTE OT Subcontractor position in Lacombe
Pediatric Occupational Therapist 1.0 FTE
SubcontractorLacombe AB
SubcontractorLacombe AB
To the Stars Occupational Therapy & Wellness Centre is a progressive, growing company located in the beautiful city of Lacombe, Alberta. We provide services to children and families through private, home and school based programming. We offer a wide variety of wellness programs for children and youth that include yoga, art, music, social skills and relaxation through inclusive group programs. Our family coaching programs allow for meaningful connections with families that create lasting change.
We are looking for the right person to expand our incredible occupational therapy team. We are looking for an energetic, creative and passionate therapist that is wanting to be a part of something special. This person must be well organized, have excellent interpersonal skills and have experience working with children with differing abilities. Experience and training in mental health, wellness and sensory processing would be a definite asset.
This position would offer:
- A strong and experienced team of occupational therapists to collaborate with
- Competitive wages for subcontractor position
- Professional development support
- A strong working relationship with other private and publicly funded programs in our area
- Some flexibility in your work schedule
- The ability to take your practice to the next level by facilitating groups and offering workshops to schools and parents. We encourage creative and forward thinking.
Responsibilities include:
- Assessment and occupational therapy consultation within prekindergarten and kindergarten classrooms
- Provision of occupational therapy services through FSCD as part of a specialized services team
- Travel to schools and homes within Central Alberta
- Planning and facilitation of inclusive children’s wellness programs
- Documentation and maintenance of client care records and statistics
- Degree in Occupational Therapy (Bachelors or Masters)
- Registered and in good standing with the Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
- Access to vehicle and valid driver’s license
- Ability to work independently and as a part of a multidisciplinary team
- Excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communication
- Pediatric experience as an occupational therapist (minimum one year)
- Ability to work some evenings or occasional weekends
This position will officially commence in September 2016, if the right candidate is found summer work may be available. Closing date for applications has been extended to June 15, 2016.
Please direct your resume and cover letter to:
Kari Lotzien,
#3 5623 Wolf Creek Drive,
Lacombe AB T4L 0A5
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