Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Funding for iPad?
I have been asked to write a letter of support for a young boy to receive funding for his iPad. The teacher and SLP have already spoken to the therapeutic, functional and school-based relevance of this tool for the child. I just wondered if anyone has ever tried to get funding for an iPad and if so - any tips? Also, does anyone have any current evidence or literature that may be referenced in discussing the therapeutic benefit of an iPad?
Any help is much appreciated!
Nicole Ebbesen Rowan
School Based Practice Guidelines
I was reviewing my old "burgundy binder" documents that included not only our Standards of Practice but also Guidelines for School Based Practice. I do not see this document on ACOT's website, nor have I found where (if anywhere) that information has been amalgamated into our Code of Ethics or Standards... I did email the ACOT Registrar but she could not provide clarification about where this document/information went, or whether it is still relevant. Does anyone have information about this?
Thank you,
Nicole Ebbesen Rowan
Monday, 27 February 2012
Private OT needed in Medicine Hat
I look forward to connecting with you.
Colleen Basaraba
Utilizing a Sensory Integration Theoretical Framework in the Home, School and Preschool
Please see the attached workshop flyer and accommodation information and share with your networks. Book early. Accommodation and registration is limited.
Hope to see you April 27-28 for "Utilizing a Sensory Integration Theoretical Framework in the Home, School and Preschool" from a Canadian perspective with Ellen Yack, Toronto ON, at Manteo Waterfront Resort, Kelowna, BC!
ADDED BONUS: Evening Reception, Fri. April 27 - COTBC will provide an update and presentation on the OT Role in Diagnosing SPD and DCD from a regulatory perspective.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Private OT with Feeding Experience Needed
Dr. Christine Roman-Lansky is reported to be very good and that is why we are hosting this workshop in Toronto on March 7-8, 2012.
There is also a book she has written available through AmazonInformation found here.
Calgary OT Interest Group Meeting Feb 27, 2012
We meet the last Monday of the month in October, November, February, March and April at 7:30. The location varies around the city.
This is very casual where everyone can share information, new toys or books, discuss case studies or any other burning questions people may have. We also try to have someone/a group of people share information on a specific topic, such as a course they have been to or an interesting book they have read.
We are always looking for someone to share information. If you would be willing to do so, please contact Carol Vickery at
Our next meetings are:
Monday Feb. 27, 2012
Location: IDEAS Therapy Office
Suite 405 Willow Park Centre
10325 Bonaventure Dr. S.E.
Topic: Cathy Schneider OT, has been doing Neuro-feedback training using the NeurOptimal system by Zengar. She has been using the system with good success with many clients with ASD and clients with ADD/ADHD. Cathy will discuss what this is and how she is seeing it work
Monday March 19 or 26 – I realized March 26 is Spring break. If you normally come and would prefer not to have on spring break for the CBE. Please let me know and we will see what the majority is.
Location: TBA
Topic: Brenda Wilson will be facilitating a discussion on the “Best Practice Guidelines on Sensory Processing” developed by Australian OT’s.
Monday April 30
Location: TBA
Topic: Dr. Charles Boulet works out of Black Diamond area and is a 'developmental optometrist', but has a particular take on it given that his background is initially in neuropsych and education. He does full visual rehabilitation, but he also includes many other elements necessary for building success in schools, elements such as self-awareness and self-control, mental focus, varied gross and fine motor skill activities, as well as numerous cognitive skills. Charles finds OTs much more realistic about the impact of visual dysfunction vis-a-vis reading and he would like to engage in related conversations. He will be bringing some activities and resources to share. You can check out more information at or
Greenspan Floortime Online Course for Professionals or Parents
The professional course examines the DIR Model, which explains a child’s developmental stages and individual differences in a child’s sensory processing and family dynamics, and the role emotion plays in a child’s development. It also presents an in-depth presentation on the Greenspan Floortime Approach™, including developmentally appropriate interactions, interventions, and practices geared to each child’s developmental profile. This includes various interventions for special challenges, including aggression, avoidant behavior, sleep problems, compulsive rituals and more.
Upon completion of the course, there is an optional free mastery test and documentation of mastery.
The Floortime course is offered 24/7 until Sunday, May 13 2012. Log-in as often as you like during that time.
Community Workshop on ABA on March 3
Astronaut Training Workshop in Toronto
We are excited to confirm that Sheila Frick and Mary Kawar will be presenting the Astronaut Training workshop in Toronto on October 4 and 5, 2012. The techniques that will be reviewed in this workshop will meet the needs of Canadian paediatric occupational therapists as they are easily implemented in clinic, home and school settings. We will be forwarding brochure and registration forms shortly. We hope that you can join us for this very exciting workshop!
Ellen Yack and Associates
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
OT in Saskatoon?
Pediatric CIMT Course in Ontario
Dynamic Core for Kids Course
Well, registration has finally gone out for the Dynamic Core for Kids course. Things did not quite turn out as I had originally envisioned, and I sincerely regret that there will be many of you who will not be able to attend the course. Below is a letter drafted by Conny Betuzzi, Manager Patient Care at Alberta Children's Hospital which I was asked to send out explaining registration restrictions.
Thank you for your interest in attending the "Dynamic Core For Kids"
workshop that we will be hosting in Calgary in April 20-22, 2012. At this time there has
been a committment from Alberta Health Services to financially support
hosting this workshop through various internal budgets within the Calgary
Zone Rehabiltiation programs. This will provide a significant reduction in
cost for staff to attend. As a result this course will first be made
available to Alberta Health Service (AHS) employees throughout ACH,
Community and Rural areas. Should we be unable to fill the maximum number of
spots with therapists who are AHS employees then we will look to offering
this workshop out to our community partners who are not internal to AHS. If
you have further questions please contact Conny Betuzzi, Manager Patient
Care, at the Alberta Children's Hospital @ 955-7009.Thank you
Just to make things more clear, only AHS staff within Calgary Zone and Calgary Rural will be given first dibs on participation in the course, then, if it's not full, others will be given the option of attending. I will send out registration forms to you if there are spots available. I sincerely hope that anyone who really wishes to attend will be able to. If there are any of you who are within Calgary Zone or Calgary Rural and have not received a registration form, please email me asap.
Carolyn Fuss, MScPT
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Rhythmic Movement Training Course in Toronto
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Materials for Sale
- DTVP Response booklets and examiner record forms (18 sets)- no manual. These are normally $4.36 per response booklet or $2.04 per examiner record form. I will do $3.00 per response booklet and $1.50 per examiner record form.
- The Carolina Curriculum for Preschoolers with Special Needs plus 7 booklets- $25.00
- The Carolina Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers with Special Needs plus 6 booklets $25.00

Private OT needed in Calgary
Family living in Huntington Hills, Calgary require an Occupational Therapist for Specialized Services, FSCD funding. The child is an 11 year old boy with autism, attention deficit disorder and epilepsy. The program will be after school Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays. They have had behavioual aide contracts prior to this. Significant sensory concerns leading to challenging behaviours are noted as well as perseverative behaviours. The team is also looking for and S-LP and PT.
If you are interested please contact Cindy O`Neil at or (403) 669-650 she has been providing behavior support to the team and is great to work with!
Autism in Early Childhood: A Comprehensive Workshop
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Part-time Continuing Connections Occupational Therapist Position
Monday, 6 February 2012
Brain Highways: The Proprioceptive System and the Vestibular System
Fine Motor Camp Spring 2012 for Grades 1-5
Diagnosis of DCD
Recommendation for DCD Meetings
The Community of Practice on Understanding DCD invites you to our next 2 Open Meetings to discuss the new Recommendations for DCD from the European Academy for Childhood Disability (which are also the new Clinical Practice Guidelines for Germany and Switzerland):
-- Feb 9th at 12:00, focusing on Recommendations for Treatment, and
-- March 8th at 4:30, focusing on other Recommendations (TBD)
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (DMCN) has a 40 page summary of the EACD recommendation here. You can also find the complete long version of the recommmendations (115 pages) and the shorter 'pocket' version (10 pages) on the EACD website here.
For the February meeting, we will discuss how the guidelines might be applicable to your practice setting. You will find it helpful to review:
- part of the DMCN article: pages 74 – 84, Sections 8.5 to 9.4 (quite long, but very descriptive),
- 3 pages of the Pocket version “Treatment” Algorithm and the 2 pages of recommendations which follow the algorithm (short, to the point, but lacking in the rationale).
Please feel free to forward this email, with attachments, to invite your teammembers and colleagues in the health or education professions who are also working with children who have DCD (such as psychologists, recreation therapists, etc.) and who would be interested in discussion of the first multidisciplinary clinical practice guidelines for DCD.