We meet the last Monday of the month in October, November, February, March and April.at 7:30. The location varies around the city. Check the blog for each month's location.
This is very casual where everyone can share information, new toys or books, discuss case studies or any other burning questions people may have. We also try to have one person share information on a specific topic, such as a course they have been to or an interesting book they have read.
We are always looking for someone to share information. If you would be willing to do so, please contact Carol Vickery at kids4ot@gmail.com
Our next meeting is:
Monday Feb. 27, 2012
Location: IDEAS Therapy Office
Suite 405 Willow Park Centre
10325 Bonaventure Dr. S.E.
Topic: Cathy Schneider OT, has been doing Neuro-feedback training using the NeurOptimal system by Zengar. She has been using the system with good success with many clients with ASD and clients with ADD/ADHD. Cathy will discuss what this is and how she is seeing it work.
The speaker for tonight is sick so Karen Macintosh will talk about her Crazy Box and we will share case studies, information and generally have time to problem solve if anyone would like the advice of their colleagues.