Tuesday 5 May 2020

OT for Rural available


OT Available for Rural

I have started my OT services via remote delivery. This is an opportunity to offer support to rural families. At this time I am opening two new spots,  specifically for families who live in a rural area and who will be continuing via remote delivery even after the pandemic. My statement of procedure during the pandemic is below. I have 14 years of experience with FSCD contracts. Please forward my contact information to rural families who have a DBA or specialized services contract with FSCD but cannot find an OT. 

Charlene Wright
Occupational Therapist
403 277 8508

RE: Remote OT services
As per the announcement May 4, 2020 Alberta Health is depending on responsible
decisions of independent health care operators and regulated professionals. As such
each operator will be deciding for themselves how and when to open services
depending on their ability to put measures in place to keep themselves, their patients,
and staff safe. We are weathering the storm, but the storm is not over. There is no way
to eliminate all risk.

My plan over the next two years will be measured, considering numerous factors.

Health of the Worker. I will be taking extra precautions. I will be working remotely as much as possible.
Video calls work. In some cases the children with autism have responded better to
video calls than in-person, but assessment and teaching of some skills are difficult to
achieve remotely. Each contact note will list any issues that will likely need in-person
contact in the future.
In-person: Occasional in-person sessions can be arranged. I will be wearing a mask.
Consent for Remote services. Family’s will email a reply to indicate they have read the
consent form to each professional individually.
Meetings: I will be attending all meetings remotely.
Tracing. I will have the Alberta app on during in-person sessions, and will ask for the
same from families. https://www.alberta.ca/ab-trace-together.aspx#download
Limit Exposure Between Houses. I will be attending one in-person visit per day
maximum in order to prevent going from house to house
Limit Exposure Between Workers. 1 visitor in the house at a time.
Invoicing: I have direct deposit with FSCD and have been advised to invoice remotely
but rather than sign invoices, parents will reply by email with the following sentence: “
This confirms OT services were provided to child’s name from Charlene Wright, April ___ , ____,
___ by video and documentation was received.”
Equipment. If necessary, equipment will be delivered to clients' home to a secure
location where it can be left for several hours before cleaned by the parent before use.
Maintain continuity of care. I am available to all my regular clients via video visits.
Prevent backlog of applications. Remote only services will be offered to new families.
Those in rural Alberta may be especially in a position to benefit from openings in
my schedule.
Maintain Mental Health of the Whole Family. If families are finding it too difficult to
home-school and manage a specialized services program, they may need extra help and
will be encouraged to check with their FSCD worker about using funds from specialized
services and community aide to pay for respite, and also to consider COVID related
Prevent risk. Preventing aggression is a priority.
COVID related services. Professional support is an essential service, especially
if "vulnerable" or there is risk that a client may "go up a level in the health care system"
or is where "go up a level" may include any regression that could require a doctors visit,
hospitalization, risks to family harmony/mental health.
All clients will be provided with COVID related services including training children (wash
hands, social distance, hands down) and support for family harmony/mental health
(consult on how to best use the funds available; managing all the details for a clear plan;
practice and advise on how best to use video consults given each child's profile of
Supervising aides. Though maintaining rapport with the client is adequate use of
funds in small amounts, aides paid through the DBA or Specialized Services program
normally must be supervised by professionals working on the goals as indicated in the
ISP and therefore must be on some remote calls. Likewise, aides must spend some time
with the client with no professionals present in order to be efficient use of funds.
Keep FSCD informed. Families need to let their FSCD worker and supervisor know the
plan. Document of consent to continue services remotely includes the following
sentences: "You should confirm with your insurance company, or your funder, that the
video sessions will be reimbursed; if they are not reimbursed, you are responsible for full
payment." Let your worker know the following:
1. Which team members will be continuing
2. That email consent has been provided to each professional individually
3. Any in-person time planned
Whole team or none? If we did not have a whole team before the COVID19 crisis, we
are continuing as before. If progress will be minimal without the whole team and one of
the professionals has children at home preventing them from working, it makes more
sense to hold off until childcare can be accessed. The goals addressed by different
professionals may have different outcomes with remote service delivery.
Contracts will not be extended. Keep in mind the contract with FSCD cannot be
extended past the end date even if a family decides to suspend programming.
Number of families. Aides will be encouraged to limit the number of families they visit
in person and to wear masks if they see more than one.
Number of caregivers with one family: Though staff for respite and specialized
services/ developmental behavioral assistance (SS, DBA) have skill sets that are different,
and are usually provided by different people, at this time it would be best to limit the
number of visitors. Picking an aide or two who can provide both services at different
times would be best.
Consecutive shifts in different roles (with breaks of course) . If there is a restriction on
the number of aides that can work with the family due to the COVID19 crisis, one person
may need to fill more than one role but, in the past, some aides have been instructed
they must do completely different shifts on different days if they fill both a respite and a
program aide. Ask for an exemption from the FSCD worker.
Parents Decide. Parents know which aides they feel should enter their home. For
instance, if an aide has already been coming in the home and therefore like a family
member in that virus exposure is already present it makes sense to continue.
Rapport. Keeping the routine and maintaining rapport is essential in some cases or we
can expect regression.
Call in for 15 minutes per day. Some aides may find this difficult and others may find it
fits well with the other demands of their day (fit in between on-line university classes). If
aides are employees of the parent, by labour laws, if they start a shift they can expect to
spend a minimum of 2 hours– not all the time spent needs to be in direct time.
“building strong supports for life”

Charlene Wright
Occupational Therapist
403 277 8508


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