Wednesday 6 July 2022

IA handout for July 7 meeting.


Measuring interoception successes with smart partner supportive adult response

1.       Notices a good feeling inside and says or does something equal to the feeling, causing another person to respond naturally by

a.       smiling

b.       doing more of that activity

c.       labelling the apparent feeling: “you seem happy”

d.       taking a deep breath so as not to get themself too excited


    2.    Does something equal to the problem which alerts the smart partner and upon investigation there was something wrong;  

a.       Throws up

b.       Falls asleep

c.       Feels hot to the touch

d.       Feels clammy and cold to the touch

e.       Drinks larger amount of water than normal

f.        Shivering

g.       Cold neck

h.       Nose twitching, sneezes twice then focuses and learns

i.         Makes card for a sick teacher

j.         Smiles at an idea

k.       Participates more than usual in the solution proposed

l.         Informs a parent of a problem

m.     Gets better control once exciting event is underway

3.       Says “something’s wrong” or presses illness button on communication app

4.       Demonstrates self-control

5.       Initiates expression of an emotion in order to communicate it

6.       States how a body part feels

7.       Solves the problem of pins and needles by changing positions and communicating

8.       Shows empathy; states what emotion another person seems to be feeling or does something to help them. 

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