- Margot Byer shared about her company Sleephaven
- Here is a link to some information regarding sleep and children through Cary Brown, OT prof at the University of Alberta.
- Holly Cueto shared that there is a video available for children to help transition to sleep (if they're watching TV anyway!). It's called the Nighty Night show.
- Margot mentioned the book Sleep Better!: A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs by Mark Durand.
- Children's Autism Services of Edmonton hosts workshops that are open to the public. Click here for the educational calendar and here for the registration form. The fee is $50 per workshop.
- April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day and Light It Up Blue day. In the past, some apps have been on sale or free on this day, so check it out this year!
- Sarah Bailer brought a Squease vest to show to the group. It looks promising but is pricey!
- Another OT mentioned the Miracle Belt as useful with our clients.
- CAOT has an Occupational Therapy and Sensory Processing Disorder (OTSPD) Network with links to research information and discussion forum for members.
- Kathy Mulka mentioned the book Love Jean by Jean Ayres' nephew.
- Kathy also mentioned Lucy Miller's taxonomy for SPD. Here are two links (link 1, link 2)to some information about it.
- An interesting website on early learning...
Suggested topics for future meetings included:
- using iPads in our practice
- apps
- sharing information from professional development - if you attend a course and are interested in sharing what you learned, we would love to hear from you!
Thank you to Kathy Mulka for welcoming us into her clinic Unlimited Potentials and offering this space for future meetings! Thank you to Kim Giesbrecht for initiating and organizing the meeting, and for the impetus for meetings to get going again! We look forward to upcoming meetings and hope to organize them every other month on the 4th Thursday of the month, depending on the topic/speaker or other logistics. All OTs, OT students, therapy assistants or other interested professionals are welcome to attend.
Just an additional note about the Squease Vest...here is a Canadian companies version!www.snugvest.com