Thursday, 20 September 2018

Calgary Group Meeting Postponed

The tentative meeting in Calgary for Sept 27, 2018 will need to be postponed. 
Please let Charlene know if you have ideas for topics and/ or space to meet in the future.

Charlene Wright
Occupational Therapist
403 277 8508

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Fine Motor Fall Camp in Oct/Nov 2018 in Edmonton

 Creating Confident Printers

Growing Changes: Occupational Therapy Services for Children presents:
Fine Motor Fall Camp in Oct/Nov 2018

A four week fun and interactive camp for children in grades 1 - 3 who find printing or other fine motor activities challenging. The camp will be run by experienced pediatric occupational therapists. A multi-sensory approach will be used along with co-operative games and crafts to practice the skills needed for hand functioning. This camp is designed for children who may be experiencing mild to moderate delays in fine motor development or who would benefit from extra practice.

The camp places an emphasis on grasp development, formation of lower case letters, legible printing, copying shapes and letters, using school tools (pencils, scissors, glue), in hand manipulation skills, eye hand coordination and strength. This includes a summary report identifying individual children's strengths, areas of need, and suggestions for further skill development will be provided.
This camp will use a multi-sensory approach combining fine and gross motor movement to enhance learning. Parents are encouraged to attend the first of the four sessions in order to help their child feel more at ease in the group and to learn how to support their child with printing practice at home.

Days: October 27, November 3, 10, 17 (4 sessions)
Time: Printing Basics: 10:00 am - 11:15 am
Cost: $275.00
Where: Highlands Community Centre: 6112 - 113 Avenue Edmonton, AB
Contact: Rebecca Cormier at 780.965.4310 or email to register.
Note: OT services may be covered depending on health plan and are tax deductible.

Private OT needed for 9 year old with feeding and sensory needs in Calgary

Private OT being sought by family that has a 9 year old son with global developmental delay, autism and epilepsy.  Currently, this young boy is on a feeding tube and the family would like to transition him off.  The family is looking for an OT with specialties in feeding and sensory needs.  They have FSCD funding.  Please contact Katrina Lorenz at for further information if you are interested in supporting this family. Located in Calgary.

Occupational Therapy Recovery Conference October 25-26, 2018

Occupational Therapy Recovery Conference 2018: Evidence-based Restorative Strategies – Skill Building for the Wholehearted Caring Professional
October 25 – 26, 2018

The Edmonton Zone Occupational Therapy Practice Council is pleased to present a two-day event to addiction and mental health service providers.

Our featured speaker, Lynn Festa OTR, CHT, CDWF, will provide a two-day workshop, in lecture format, with a strong emphasis on hands-on practical learning skills that can be applied to the clinical OT and educational setting immediately following the workshop. Lynn will use the foundational principles of occupational therapy in establishing a therapeutic relationship with each client using a holistic strength-based approach. These principles will be combined with the latest scientific studies from the field of positive psychology.
Lynn will also incorporate evidence-based tools and strategies using a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Brené Brown, PhD, and her curriculum The Daring WayTM. Brown’s work primarily focuses on developing resilience skills and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

IDEAS Fall Programs 2018

Monday, 10 September 2018

Calgary Meeting on September 27th

Hold the date!

Did you know a client has 10 years after they turn 18 to file a malpractice suit so you need to keep your files that long?

Lanterna Law is willing to speak to the Calgary Pediatric Interest Group about protecting ourselves at 5:30 on Sept 27, 2018. 

If you would like to offer your space for the meeting, please let Charlene know. 
Otherwise, please hold the date and watch for more information on the location. 

Charlene Wright
Occupational Therapist
403 277 8508

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Dr. Tony Attwood on Monday, October 22, 2018

Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton will be offering the first day of their annual conference:

Dr. Tony Attwood on Monday, October 22, 2018

Dr. Attwood is a renowned clinical psychologist known for his knowledge of Asperger’s Syndrome and has written several publications on Asperger’s Syndrome. Dr. Attwood will be speaking at the Edmonton Expo Centre on strategies to improve social understanding and friendship skills as well as cognitive behaviour therapy to help manage anxiety, sadness, and anger.

Day 2 and day 3 will be on January 24th and 25th, 2019.

For more details or to register please go to:

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

OT Subcontractor position with Growing Changes in Edmonton

Growing Changes is an Edmonton based developmental provider specializing in children. Growing Changes believes in a collaborative, family-centered health care environment. Listening, explaining and working together as a team, we help children achieve their optimal health through partnership between physicians, clinicians and families built on mutual respect, support for each other, and personal accountability. We believe in each other. We empower each other. At Growing Changes, we celebrate each other’s successes, and our differences. We recognize those who exemplify excellence, and reward them for contributing to our collective success.

Positions Available

We are currently looking to hire Occupational Therapist Subcontractors. The goal of the position is to provide intervention solutions through assessment and implementation for children with developmental needs. The solutions are meant to help strengthen families’ ability to promote their child’s healthy development and encourage their child’s participation in activities at home and in the community.
Occupational Therapist Subcontractors report to the President and assist in ensuring that the goals and objectives of the company are met with the highest of standards.

Why Work with Growing Changes?

·       Competitive wages depending on experience
·       An opportunity to develop new skills and growth in partnership with the company
·       The opportunity to oversee clients independently within the framework of goals and objectives established
·       Mentorship available


·       Experience working with children with development needs. Minimum of one-year experience working in paediatrics and preference will be given to clinicians with community experience
·       Registration with respective college
·       Excellent interpersonal, organizational and time management skills
·       Ability to work independently and willingness to accept direction from and work in harmony within a team environment
·       Capability to see the “big picture” to execute and complete solutions and invoice as required
·       Supply personal vehicle and able to drive within Edmonton region and outlining communities
·       Ability to flex time as required and work within other schedules

Cover Letter and Resume can be sent to:
Attention: Human Resources
Subject: Occupational Therapist Job Posting