Intro and Advanced SCERTS Training with Emily Rubin
May 19 - 21, 2015
Oasis Center, Edmonton or Live Webcasting (Outside of Edmonton & area)
Day 1 of this course will introduce the SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Supports) model, a comprehensive, multidisciplinary educational approach designed for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This model is not exclusive of other treatment approaches and methodologies, but rather provides a framework for those who are seeking guidelines for implementing a comprehensive educational plan that is based on our knowledge of the recommended tenets of educational programming. The model was designed to provide guidelines for helping children progress through the stages of becoming a competent communicator. It was also designed to provide families and educational teams with the help they may need to feel successful in supporting the child. Participants of this course will learn how to determine meaningful, purposeful and motivating goals and strategies based on a child’s developmental stage, functional needs, and family priorities. The session will cover the core values and guiding principles for working with children with autism. It will also go over Social Communication including joint attention and symbol use goals, Emotional Regulation including how to support regulation in the classroom, and Transactional Supports including specific interpersonal strategies to use when working with children with autism.
Day 2 and 3 of this course will move toward a more advanced discussion of the use of the SCERTS assessment process to determine developmentally sensible and functional goals, to determine appropriate evidence-based supports, and to monitor progress over time in meaningful, functional contexts. Day 2 will begin with the essential priorities for applying the SCERTS assessment in program development, namely writing goals and determining supports (i.e. educational planning). On Day 3, the formal assessment will be introduced with an emphasis on how to use this tool to determine a child’s stage of language acquisition, establish a profile of strengths and areas of need in those areas most impacted by the core challenges of ASD and monitor progress over time.
Day 2 and 3 of this course will move toward a more advanced discussion of the use of the SCERTS assessment process to determine developmentally sensible and functional goals, to determine appropriate evidence-based supports, and to monitor progress over time in meaningful, functional contexts. Day 2 will begin with the essential priorities for applying the SCERTS assessment in program development, namely writing goals and determining supports (i.e. educational planning). On Day 3, the formal assessment will be introduced with an emphasis on how to use this tool to determine a child’s stage of language acquisition, establish a profile of strengths and areas of need in those areas most impacted by the core challenges of ASD and monitor progress over time.
Additional SCERTS information can be found at or watch a clip of Emily Rubin here:
Costs: Intro Only (May 19th): Parent - $75 Professionals - $100.
Advanced Only (May 20th & May 21st): Parent- $100 Professionals- $125
Intro & Advanced (May 19th, 20th & 21st): Parent - $125 Professional - $150
Webcasting All Three Days: Individual - $95 Group - $495
For additional information and registration please visit, or phone at 780 495 9235