Wednesday 2 October 2019

Sharpen School Skills with Occupational Therapy at IDEAS fall 2019 program in Calgary

Developing Pre-Printing Skills Pre-school/Kindergarten 
COST : 5 sessions $450 *$400 (Early Bird rate) FALL Session: OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2019, dates & times to be determined 
The development of muscle strength and dexterity in hands and fingers, eye-hand coordination, visual-motor control and visual perceptual skills are essential for the acquisition of pre-writing skills. This is a therapeutic program for students to improve pre-writing skills. 
The Skills of Handwriting Grade 3-6 
COST : 5 sessions $450 *$400 (Early Bird rate) FALL Session: OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2019, dates & times to be determined 
Studies have shown that increased legibility of handwriting can result in improved self-esteem, greater proficiency and stringer grades. This is a therapeutic program for students to improve cursive writing, focusing on the fundamentals of handwriting and lower case letters. 
*Initial Consultation is required for new clients *Each session will include evaluation of skills level & practical recommendations for home and school use if required *Private consultation meeting with the therapist following the program to review progress and recommendations. 
The Skills of Printing Grade 1-3 
COST : 5 sessions $450 *$400 (Early Bird rate) FALL Session: OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2019, dates & times to be determined 
Children who experience difficulties with fine motor and visual motor skills often struggle in acquiring the skills of printing. This struggle can lead to frustration, poor motivation and reduced work output. This is a therapeutic program for students to improve printing skills, legibility and speed. 
Self-Regulation Programs (Alert/Zones of Regulation) Grades 3-6 
COST : 5 sessions (+ Parent session) $500 *$425 (Early Bird rate) FALL Session: OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2019, dates & times to be determined 
These programs are designed to help students with self- regulation by teaching them how to recognize their own zones of regulation or “engine speeds”. Students will also learn various strategies to use to attain, change, or maintain their levels of alertness. In addition to addressing self-regulation, the students will gain an increased vocabulary of emotional terms, skills in reading others’ facial expressions, insight into events that trigger their behavior, calming and alerting strategies and problem solving skills. 

Sharpen School Skills with Occupational Therapy 

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